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Community Service

The Greenville Quilters Guild loves to give back!  Throughout the year, our members engage in Community Service through teaching and creating quilts for our neighbors in need.  We create, teach and craft our way into the lives of our neighbors in need.  Contact any member if you are interested in joining us for one of these events! 


Check out our photos below for our last few community service events.

Learn to Quilt Day

Annually, the Greenville Quilters Guild holds a day-long workshop to share the art of quilting with members of our community who wish to learn or even hone their quilting skills. Various aspects of quilting, such as fabric selection/matching, piecing, appliqueing, hand quilting, using rulers and quilting tools, along with finishing techniques are shared. Our guests are invited to make at least two different blocks over the course of the day. Members of the Greenville Quilters Guild are the instructors for this wonderful opportunity to learn the art of quilting. Please join us! If you’re interested or would like more details, please contact to inquire. 


Pitt County Fair

Each year the Greenville Quilters Guild maintains a booth at the Pitt County Fair where samples of quilts and crafts are on display.  Our members enter exhibits in the competition with many ribbons being won for quilts and crafts. 

For more information on the Pitt County Fair visit

Support for Local Charities

Part of the mission of the Greenville Quilters Guild is share items we create with various local charities.  Routinely, we donate items such as quilts for infants, toddlers, teenagers, adults, and veterans and, when a local group expresses a specific need, the guild works together to provide items that are needed.  Examples of specific needs might be pillowcases, chemo pillows, dolls for surgeons to use for children prior to surgery, etc. As a guild, we are all so fortunate to have the opportunity to provide items to our community and to help those who benefit from these gifts.

GQG Comfort Quilts for Charities

Who You're Helping
Center for Family Violence Prevention
Victims of domestic abuse
Twin size quilts, Quilts for children up to 18 years, Pillowcases, Bags
Community Crossroads Center
Emergency homeless shelter
Twin size quilts, Pillowcases
Guardian Ad Litem
Victims of abuse and neglect as determined by a court of law
Quilts for children up to 18 years, Pillowcases
JOY Soup Kitchen
Homeless, financially-displaced Pitt County residents
Plastic bag sleeping mats made of PLARN, Soapsacks (
Leo Jenkins Cancer Center
Cancer patients
Port pillows (with Velcro straps), Hats, Lap/wheelchair quilts
Maynard (Vidant) Children's Hospital
NICU and PICU patients with extended stays in the hospital
Quilts for children up to 18 years
Military Thank You
Active duty military serving in Pitt County
Small patriotic wall hangings
Quilts of Valor
Service members and veterans touched by war (
Patriotic throw quilts
RHA Howell Center Tar River
Infants and children with medical conditions that require 24/7 nursing care
Quilts for children up to 18 years
Social Services Foster Program Pitt County Dept. of Health
Children removed from unsafe situations
Quilts for children up to 18 years, Pillowcases
Veterans in local nursing homes
Placemats (12" x 16"), Wheelchair quilts (32-36" x 40-46"), Large throw quilts (60" x 80")

Please Contact Guild President - for more information

Copyright 2024 - Greenville Quilters Guild

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