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$5.00 Admission Fee

Join us for the 2017 Greater Greenville Quilt Festival. We'll have two full days of fun, raffles, quilts, refreshments, and so much more!

Greater Greenville Quilt Festival

September 22-23, 2017

Friday 10-5 , Saturday 10-4

Works by local quilt artists

Over 130 quilts will be displayed

Bags, Bowls and Basket Raffle 

More than 35 uniquely themed gifts  have been created for this raffle event

Vintage Quilt Turning

Between 20-30 antique quilts will be “turned” on Friday and Saturday at 11:00 am and again at 2:00 pm.  This is when the history of the quilts is shared

Quilters Boutique and Craft Items for Sale

Unique and wonderfully handcrafted items for sale

Children's Corner

 A place for children and adults to have fun and play with dolls, quilts and crafts of all kinds

Refreshments will be available for purchase during the event!!

“Cerulean Crush” Raffle Quilt Drawing

This raffle quilt was designed by a member of our guild based on inspiration from many quilts.  Guild members began work on these intricately designed blocks in the summer of 2016. The center star of the quilt was sewn by guild member Sandi Kinsey whose work won “Best Quilt” at our last quilt show.  The raffle quilt committee, that
included Carol Nisbet, Joy Phillips, Darlene Vanderhoff, and Anne Humphrey; along with Norma Nabut and Peggy Notestine worked with all guild members on the many blocks and borders.  By Autumn of 2016, the quilt top was finished and sent to national award winning unique custom long arm quilter Margaret Solomon Gunn.  The quilt measures 101" x 101" - perfect for a Queen or King bed.

  The 2017 Raffle Quilt, Cerulean Crush, was won by Sandi Kinsey

Quilt Show Vendors

We have six vendors that include these 3 quilt shops. 

If anyone viewing this website would like to buy an ad for this quilt show, they can

get in touch with Peggy Notestine at

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Copyright 2024 - Greenville Quilters Guild

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